Manual installation
Python installation#
Perform a platform indepent installation using PyPI.
Ensure build requirements are met, see below.
At runtime Odoo will always require the LESSC compiler, and most likely WKHTMLTOPDF. Odooku's deployment methods take care of this, however for any other installation method you should install this yourself.
pip install odooku-odoo-addons pip install odooku
This will install the full Odoo suite. If you want to keep installation and dependency size to a minimal, feel free to install the seperate packages like so:
pip install odooku-odoo-[app]
Available options are:
- account
- account_accountant
- board
- calendar
- contacts
- crm
- extra: This package provides point of sale hardware modules and a few test modules.
- fleet
- hr
- hr_attendance
- hr_expense
- hr_holidays
- hr_recruitment
- hr_timesheet
- im_livechat
- l10n_fr_certification
- lunch
- maintenance
- mass_mailing
- mrp
- mrp_repair
- note
- point_of_sale
- project
- project_issue
- purchase
- sale
- stock
- survey
- website
- website_blog
- website_event
- website_forum
- website_sale
- website_slides
Build requirements#
Ubuntu 16.04#
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libssl-dev
brew install postgresql